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【Mastermind】的歌词 - Taylor Swift

123 人参与  2023年04月01日 06:35  分类 : 歌词大全  评论

Once upon a time, the planets and the fates
很久很久以前 宇宙行星 交织命运
And all the stars aligned
与那满天繁星 皆连成一线
You and I ended up in the same room
At the same time

And the touch of a hand lit the fuse
仅一只手的触碰 便随之引发
Of a chain reaction of countermoves
To assess the equation of you
只为评估计算 名为你的方程式
Checkmate, I couldn't lose
将军 我绝不能输

What if I told you none of it was accidental?
若我坦言这一切并非偶然 会如何?
And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me
你我初次邂逅的那一夜 我便下定决心与你相恋
I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork
我早已埋下伏笔 随后好比齿轮发条
The dominoes cascaded in a line
排成一列的多米诺骨牌 以一持万

What if I told you I'm the mastermind?
若我对你坦白 我是幕后主谋呢?
And now you're mine
It was all by design
'Cause I'm a mastermind

You see, all the wisest women had to do it this way
你看 聪明绝顶的女人都得如此
'Cause we were born to be the pawn in every lover's game

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
不做安排 注定失败
Strategy sets the scene for the tale
I'm the wind in our free-flowing sails
我自由如风 扬起飘动的帆
And the liquor in our cocktails

What if I told you none of it was accidental
若我坦言这一切并非偶然 会如何?
And the first night that you saw me, I knew I wanted your body?
你我初次邂逅的那一夜 我便下定决心与你缠绵
I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork
我早已埋下伏笔 随后好比齿轮发条
The dominoes cascaded in a line
排成一列的多米诺骨牌 以一持万

What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
若我对你坦白 我是幕后主谋呢?
And now you're mine
It was all my design
'Cause I'm a mastermind

No one wanted to play with me as a little kid
孩提时代 无人愿做我玩伴
So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
从那以后 我便如罪犯般千方百计
To make them love me and make it seem effortless
博取身边人的爱 佯装一切都轻而易举
This is the first time I've felt the need to confess.
如今我才恍然醒悟 觉得有必要坦白
And I swear, I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care
我发誓 唯有在乎一人 我才会匿影藏形 孤注一掷

So I told you none of it was accidental
故我向你坦白 这一切并非偶然
And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me
你我初次邂逅的那一夜 我便下定决心与你相恋
I laid the groundwork and then, saw a wild smirk
我早已埋下伏笔 随后你竟露出
On your face, you knew the entire time
乐不可支的傻笑 原来自始至终你都知情

You knew that I'm a mastermind
你早已得知 我是幕后主谋
And now you're mine
Yeah, all you did was smile
'Cause I'm a mastermind



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