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SHINY SCARS (深潜在你的蓝 ENG VER.)的歌词(歌手:袁娅维TIA RAY)

139 人参与  2022年11月18日 18:10  分类 : 歌词大全  评论

I tried to find a way
Dive into the ocean
When I flow with the wave
I tried to find a way
A million ways to make you happy
If you're willing to
Would you will you
Driftin' underneath the stars
Wearing every shiny scar
I'm me
You've come along with me this far
Now you have all of my heart
I'm yours always
I think I felt the way
Deep into the ocean
We're diamonds in the blue
I think I found the way
A million ways to make you happy
Now I'm ready to
Would you will you
Driftin' underneath the stars
Wearing every shiny scar
I'm me
You've come along with me this far
Now you have all of my heart
I'm yours always
I'm flying
Deep in the ocean
I'm flying



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