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《Too Much Of A Good Thing》的歌词(歌手:NIKI)

107 人参与  2024年05月03日 17:06  分类 : 歌词大全  评论

Well, you look like you’re gonna break my heart
你的出现 仿佛预示着我心碎一地的结局
and I look like a tough shot in the dark on a good day
而我 即便在最自信的日子 也好似黑暗里的模糊靶心
Intentions clear and stronger than the noon sky
我的心意坚定 炽热得如同正午骄阳
You’re the bee’s knees, I’m the bull’s eye
你是众星捧月的焦点 而我则是被不断瞄准的靶心
but in a doomed way
You can do your own thing, look, the choice is yours
你可以随心所欲 选择权在你手中
but I can’t help that I’m the thing you’re looking for
可我就是你苦苦追寻的那个人 对此我无能为力
We could be too much of a good thing
或许我们的爱太美好 反倒适得其反
but isn’t that a real good thing?
Oh baby, look me in the eye and say you don't got it bad
噢 亲爱的 直视我的眼睛 你敢不敢说自己并未沦陷
Maybe it won’t be a sure thing
也许你我之间 无法保证天长地久
But it sure is a good thing
I get the feeling that this feeling isn’t one meant to last anyway
我有种预感 这份感情注定无法细水长流
So what do you say?
What do you say?
You show off your true nature on your earlobe,
serpentine, you’re a walking, breathing trope in a fun way
蜿蜒曲折 你好似栩栩如生的寓言 令人玩味 难以捉摸
Not to jinx it, but I wanna be the reason
不想说些扫兴的话 但我的愿望是
your future lovers keep changing with the seasons babe
成为你不断更换季节性恋人的原因 亲爱的
Something tells me this is gonna hurt someday
某种预感告诉我 这段感情或许会在某天带来伤痛
But I don’t believe in mistakes
I know that’s convenient to say
我知道 这听起来有些自欺欺人
You have too much of a good thing
你拥有的美好太过火 反倒适得其反
But isn’t that a real good thing?
Oh baby, say it with your hands and we can talk all night long
噢 亲爱的 用双手告诉我 我们还能彻夜促膝长谈
Maybe it won’t be a sure thing
But it sure is a good thing
I get the feeling that you’re something that will surely go wrong, but never away
我有种预感 你注定是那混乱的缘起 却永远无法让人轻易忘怀
So what do you say?
What do you say?



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