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125 人参与  2023年11月19日 17:25  分类 : 歌词大全  评论

Tell me bout your problems
Walking in the dark
Can't swear I'll solve them
But I'll show you the stars
Hidden in the shadows
Easy to forget
When you see them glow
Day by day the weight will be lifted

他站在了天台 想要纵身一跃
把世界抛在背后 终于放下了一切
选择如此离别 无人试图去理解
感受不到爱的温热 天空总是飘着雨雪
步伐很沉重 因为逃不出地球的重力场
有谁能懂 几十年就当作是梦一场
真的疲惫了 背后已经没有谁能倚靠
厌倦了不停的竞争 厌倦和别人比较
明日会怎样我们都无法预料 唯有祈祷
痛苦接踵而至雪上加霜 真是莫名其妙
他看过雁群飞过湖面 路上花争相盛开
他听过孩子的啼哭和欢闹 海浪的澎湃
他幻想有所成就 一家人永远不分开
他走过了最难熬的夜晚 失去了一生的真爱

Tell me bout your problems
Walking in the dark
Can't swear I'll solve them
But I'll show you the stars
Hidden in the shadows
Easy to forget
When you see them glow
Day by day the weight will be lifted

都渴望平淡的幸福 有日子值得庆祝
可谁在乎你的苦楚 绝望时无人倾诉
债台高筑 在糟糕的生活中拼死挣扎
一个谎言 一个决定 多年积蓄转眼蒸发
失败的事业 烦恼滚雪球不断地增加
像打了死结 负能量肆虐 信仰日渐崩塌
人们围观说着闲话 嘲笑他的梦想廉价
从借宿在他人屋檐下 到亲友也疏远他
多想听到肯定的声音 可现实会有偏差
看透了人性面目的狰狞 险恶和奸诈

Tell me bout your problems
Walking in the dark
Can't swear I'll solve them
But I'll show you the stars
Hidden in the shadows
Easy to forget
When you see them glow
Day by day the weight will be lifted
Tell me bout your problems
Walking in the dark
Can't swear I'll solve them
But I'll show you the stars
Hidden in the shadows
Easy to forget
When you see them glow
Day by day the weight will be lifted



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